Tips and Tricks For Comic Collector Newbie
Subscribe, buy or borrow comic magazines (Don't forget to return the magazine) Pay attention to the Top 10 or Top 100 list of the best comics that month. Remember the hot 10 artist and the hot 10 writer and search for their recent project. If you want to sell your comics in the future don't forget to buy it more than one (or you will regret it later) Buy the special edition : 1/2 edition, limited edition, alternate version, signed edition, preview, gold plated. (or the diamond covered edition hahaha) Always read comic price guide for your reference (whatt?!? my comic price drop??) Don't throw away your old comics (maybe it will become more valuable in the future) Read your comics carefully to maintain its mint condition (if u can) Put your comics in the safe place (make a private library or put it in the safe deposit box) don't put it under your pillow. (put it away from Kryptonites !!!) Don't brag about your comics or your comics will ...